About Us

Mint-Ease has been widely used by physiotherapists, osteopaths, health practitioners and sports injury clinics for more than 20 years.
When rubbed into the skin Mint-Ease produces an initial cooling effect followed by a deep lasting and soothing warmth. The effect is very similar to having a good massage.

Mint-Ease is a natural product, sold without medicinal claims. It contains pure ethereal Mint Oil extracted from the plant Mentha Arvensis.

The oil is refined to obtain a natural purity without the need for additives and has a high menthol content. The result is that you have the ability to soothe particular muscles or joints as and when needed.

Mint-Ease is currently used by a number of rugby teams and professional athletes, including champion triathletes and a World Champion Duathlete!

So wide are the possibilities for its use that, if you enjoy a sport, there’s a good chance it can help you prepare, perform and recover.

Mint-Ease can help at every stage of your exercise; whether your muscles are about to be used or have just been used.

Shortly Before…

The warm up is one of the most important stages of any exercise. Warming up and stretching is intended to slowly increase the heart rate, to get blood circulating around the body and to the muscles which you will use during exercise. This enables them to perform at their optimum and helps to avoid injury. While using Mint-Ease is no substitute for a thorough warm up, it can help to warm a muscle group or troublesome joint prior to exercise.

Straight After…

Having just worked your muscles you need to help them warm down and recover. To do this they need blood flow, which carries the oxygen, glucose and protein needed for recovery. Increased circulation also helps to remove lactic acid, reducing the likelihood of getting cramp after exercise.

Using Mint-Ease can help your joints and muscles recover from exercise, and help to soothe any soreness, allowing you to train again sooner or enjoy your favourite sport.

Longer Term Recovery…

If you’ve exercised muscles that haven’t been used in a while, or they’ve been used particularly strenuously, then soreness can last for a few days. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is most prevalent with body builders and gym goers who push their muscles to the limit of their ability, causing micro tears in the muscle fibres. Over the following few days they repair themselves, growing larger and stronger than they were before the workout.

Mint-Ease can help with this longer term recovery from more severe exercise by soothing the muscles and joints which are in need of repair.

view product range

Contains 35% pure ethereal mint oil, blended with a skin friendly cream lotion.
Available as a Roll-on for easy application, contains 25% mint oil.
100% Pure ethereal mint oil. Very strong, just 2-3 drops required.
"I use Mint-Ease for all my Sports Massage clients; they appreciate its cooling and soothing effect. I also use it for a tingling warm up before races, and for easing tired muscles at the end of training and events. It massages onto the skin well and the mint oil continues the hard work my hands do…"
Sarah Bowen
Sports Massage Therapist
"...aggravated my neck training today, now quite stiff. Rubbed loads of 'miracle cream' aka @Mint_Ease on and I'm on fire! It was 6/10 pain before and 2/10 now!"
Stuart Amory
Celebrity Personal Trainer @StuartAmoryPT